Fitting In, Digital Art and Poetry by Joan Ellen Gage

Fitting In I sit quietly, this miraculous in itself. Hands finger smooth paper, caress the cold metal of the writing implement. Exhaling, eyes flutter, colors speak, indigo and Parrish blue flash behind gossamer lids, a sensation of the world flattening, planing, a compressed square of self slides, into my background, snapping in like a puzzleContinue reading “Fitting In, Digital Art and Poetry by Joan Ellen Gage”

Embrace the Still, Digital Art and Poetry by Joan Ellen Gage

Embrace the Still Inhale it into your soul, draw it into your heart, hold it in your mind, embrace the still. by, Joan Ellen Gage OTHER WEBSITE: JOAN’S LINKS: BOOKS: EMBRACING YOUR INNER CHEERLEADER: qid=1340641839&sr=8-1&keywords=Embracing+Your+Inner+Cheerleader STRANGER IN A STRANGE SKIN: WATER RUNNING DOWNHILL, ROSE EDITION: A Redhead Looks atContinue reading “Embrace the Still, Digital Art and Poetry by Joan Ellen Gage”

By Design, Poetry for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, by Joan Ellen Gage

OTHER WEBSITE: JOAN’S LINKS: BOOKS: EMBRACING YOUR INNER CHEERLEADER: qid=1340641839&sr=8-1&keywords=Embracing+Your+Inner+Cheerleader STRANGER IN A STRANGE SKIN: WATER RUNNING DOWNHILL, ROSE EDITION: A Redhead Looks at 60: ©All creative works by Joan Ellen Gage are her exclusive property, and Joan maintains the legal rights to them.

Paper Thin, poetry and digital art by Joan Ellen Gge

Paper Thin How delicate, fragile, the ego, the self, the dreamer, the flesh, unprotected, tender,  soft bellies exposed, ripe for the tearing, the  wolf, the critic. The faith, the bold front disappearing under scrutiny before the faceless masses. What was surety, now melting, hardened heart hibernating hiding, behind apron strings. We are surrounded and constructedContinue reading “Paper Thin, poetry and digital art by Joan Ellen Gge”

The River of Time; poetry and digital art by Joan Ellen Gage

The River of Time Suspended on an invisible bridge, the river of time,  rushing beneath my feet. I can go nowhere. I am  frozen, indecisive, knowing I await my fate, yet, unwilling to jump.   by Joan Ellen Gage     OTHER WEBSITE:     JOAN’S LINKS:   BOOKS: EMBRACING YOURContinue reading “The River of Time; poetry and digital art by Joan Ellen Gage”

Rising, Poem and Photo-creation from Joan Ellen Gage, for National Poetry Month

  Let’s do it, let’s rise together!     OTHER WEBSITE:   JOAN’S LINKS:   BOOKS: EMBRACING YOUR INNER CHEERLEADER: qid=1340641839&sr=8-1&keywords=Embracing+Your+Inner+Cheerleader STRANGER IN A STRANGE SKIN: WATER RUNNING DOWNHILL, ROSE EDITION: A Redhead Looks at 60: ©All creative works by Joan Ellen Gage are her exclusive property,Continue reading “Rising, Poem and Photo-creation from Joan Ellen Gage, for National Poetry Month”

Poem for National Poetry Month; Spring in My Sneakered Step, poem and photo-creation by Joan Ellen Gage

OTHER WEBSITE:   JOAN’S LINKS:   BOOKS: EMBRACING YOUR INNER CHEERLEADER: qid=1340641839&sr=8-1&keywords=Embracing+Your+Inner+Cheerleader STRANGER IN A STRANGE SKIN: WATER RUNNING DOWNHILL, ROSE EDITION: A Redhead Looks at 60: ©All creative works by Joan Ellen Gage are her exclusive property, and Joan maintains the legal rights to them.

Can you Embrace the Fierce? Poetry by Joan Ellen Gage

Mary–Embracing the Fierce Good morning! Are we feeling fierce, today? No, well, read on and embrace the fierce! Fierce Can you do it? Can you embrace the fierce, bring it to the surface of your being? Your wounded warrior heart beats, it has survived in spite of you. It is time to claim this aspectContinue reading “Can you Embrace the Fierce? Poetry by Joan Ellen Gage”

Women weave the fabric. . .

OTHER WEBSITE: FACEBOOK PAGE: JOAN’S BOOKS: EMBRACING YOUR INNER CHEERLEADER: qid=1340641839&sr=8-1&keywords=Embracing+Your+Inner+Cheerleader STRANGER IN A STRANGE SKIN: WATER RUNNING DOWNHILL, ROSE EDITION: A Redhead Looks at 60: ©All creative works by Joan Ellen Gage are her exclusive property, and Joan maintains the legal rights to them.

By Design: A poem for National Womens’ Breast Cancer Awareness Month, by Joan Ellen Gage

This poem is from Joan Ellen Gage’s book, Water Running Downhill. Below the text, you will see a link with the author reading the poem. Gage created this image using a photo animation program. The Website Water Running Downhill no longer exists. Joan’s other website is listed below. OTHER WEBSITE: FACEBOOK PAGE: JOAN’SContinue reading “By Design: A poem for National Womens’ Breast Cancer Awareness Month, by Joan Ellen Gage”

Pink Chapstick

PINK CHAPSTICK Everything was pink. The kitchenware,even the microwave and coffee maker, my sister’s signature color, pink. Her color choice expanded to clothes, nightgowns, jewelry, bedding, phone, all pink. The dolls wore pink exclusively, the walls were hung with themes of pink. I kept Chapstick from her estate, stashed in all of my necessary places,Continue reading “Pink Chapstick”

Accepting yourself, faults and all!

Can you see the real me? Acceptance It’s the hardest thing a woman can do To accept herself as she is, faults and all And rise above Western civilizations’ criticism Our society has created a model That few can touch— Ultra thin, flawless, plus giant breasts Based on the “Barbie” doll figure Women come inContinue reading “Accepting yourself, faults and all!”